Important Things to "Fix Up" before Selling

Friday Apr 2nd, 2021


When you're preparing your home for sale, it's not unusual to need to fix up a few things around the property.  After all, you want your home to look its best to buyers, so that you get good offers, quickly. What do you need to fix?  Here are three categories that will hep you create and prioritize your list. 1. Anything that squeaks of creaks. Is there something in your home that makes a noise it shouldn't be making?  Perhaps it's a rattling closet door... [read more]

BBQ Maintenance that Will Save Your Life

Friday May 14th, 2021


According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), more than 160 people are injured each year in BBQ mishaps.  That doesn't sound like a lot considering the thousands of people who flip burgers on their back yard grills each year.  But, you certainly don't want to be one of those injured! The best way to prevent fire and injury is maintenance.  Remarkably, few people are even aware that BBQ maintenance is necessary.  But, it is. Every spring,... [read more]

How a Professional Chef Would Remodel Your Kitchen

Friday Jun 4th, 2021


Watch any TV cooking show, and you'll notice that a chef's kitchen looks quite a bit different than what you'd find in most homes.  But, that doesn't mean you can't have one just like it in your home!  With a little remodeling, and splurging on some new items, you can have a kitchen worthy of Gordon Ramsey, Jamie Oliver, or Rachel Ray. Chefs love counter space.  So, when remodeling, plan to create as much as possible.  If you have an existing island,... [read more]

How to Boost Your Home's Curb Appeal

Friday Jun 11th, 2021


Ideally, you would like buyers to wait until they've viewed your whole property before they judge it.  However, the reality is, buyers start forming an impression of your home as soon as they see it from the curb.  So, it pays to do everything you can to improve your property's "curb appeal". Here are some ideas: You can improve the impact of your landscaping by trimming hedges, removing any unsightly weeds, and cutting the grass.  Planting just a few... [read more]



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